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 Iowa Youth Tour


Iowa's locally owned electric cooperatives have been sending high school students to Washington D.C. every June since 1958! On the weeklong tour, students learn about electric cooperatives, American history and U.S. government and walk away with a greater understanding of their role as an American citizen. They participate in National Youth Day, visit with their elected legislators, and explore the sights around the nation’s capital. In Iowa, students apply for slots from their local electric cooperative. High school students with a passion for government and public service are encouraged to apply.


Approximately 40 high school students are chosen by local electric cooperatives from across the state of Iowa every year. Each cooperative sets its own selection criteria, so find 


Iowa's locally owned electric cooperatives have been sending high school students to Washington D.C. every June since 1958! On the weeklong tour, students learn about electric cooperatives, American history and U.S. government and walk away with a greater understanding of their role as an American citizen. They participate in National Youth Day, visit with their elected legislators, and explore the sights around the nation’s capital. In Iowa, students apply for slots from their local electric cooperative. High school students with a passion for government and public service are encouraged to apply.


Approximately 40 high school students are chosen by local electric cooperatives from across the state of Iowa every year. Each cooperative sets its own selection criteria, so find 

Youth Tour Iowa logo

your local electric co-op from the list below for more details. The Iowa students join with more than 1,800 students from co-ops around the country for the national Youth Tour in Washington D.C. in June.


Students are selected for this program by their local electric cooperative through the overall strength of the applicant. If you want to take advantage of this incredible leadership opportunity, contact your local rural electric cooperative or high school career center for additional information.


Each year, North West REC sponsors a Youth Tour contest. This year two students will receive an all-expense-paid trip to Washington, D.C. This years' trip is scheduled for June 15-21, 2024.


Sons and daughters of North West REC member-consumers, who are juniors in high school, are eligible and encouraged to participate.

If you are interested in applying for this program, find an application here. Application deadline is February 16, 2024.


Applications can be mailed to:
Atten: Youth Tour Committee
North West REC
PO Box 435
Orange City IA 51041

Or email applications to Atten: Youth Tour Committee 


If you have any questions, contact NWREC by email or call 712-707-4935 or 1-800-766-2099

2024 Youth Tour Winners

2024 Winner Photo - Elizabeth Arens
2024 Winner Photo - Brody Knapp

Elizabeth Arens

Brody Knaap

Watch an Interview from a past Youth Tour participant Carlyn Bretey :

Youth Tour Youtube Video


You may also be interested in visiting:

Iowa Youth Tour

Iowa Youth Leadership Academy Resources


Pictures from the 2022 Youth Tour Trip

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